Practice Verbs

About Flashcard Zoo

This website is a personal project I started to help me learn Portuguese, and as a way to learn some new technologies. It isn't full-featured, and it doesn't have the prettiest graphics, but it incorporates a lot of the lessons I've learned over the years on how to learn vocabulary effectively. I expect to continue adding functionality over time, and am happy to take suggestions (though I make no promises that I will either accept the suggestion, or complete it in a given timeframe). In particular, if you would like to study a particular verb, please let me know and I'll do my best to get it in (Portuguese and Spanish only, for now).

Code of Conduct

There currently isn't a way for users to communicate on this site, and there may never be. However, that's no reason not to set some standards for common decency right off the bat. At a high level, this is a safe space language learners of all ages, races, religions, gender and sexual identity and presentation, nationality, disability status, and veteran status. Anyone found harassing another user, or the community in general, will be permanently banned from the site, and their study materials deleted.

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